Tank / Rural Water Treatment
Where does the water for rural homes and businesses come from? The prime source is rain water which is harvested and stored in concrete or plastic water tanks. On other properties, water may come from surface water such as springs, creeks, rivers or from underground sources via a bore or well.
Rain water is pure isn't it? Rain water is fairly pure until it hits the roof and gutters and gets stored in a tank.
Harmful bacteria and pathogens can enter your tank water from faecal matter washing off your roof and gutters, from birds and possums. In the warmth of the summer, a tank with leaf litter debris in the bottom of the tank provides a great environment for these microbiological impurities to multiply. Over 90% of tank water tests show the presence of ecoli and faecal coliforms.
Each source of water has different needs We carry a wide range of solutions but we always tailor our solutions to our client's needs.
But I feel fine ... Lots of people feel fine when on drinking tank water on a daily basis but as you get older, your resistance to pathogens gets lower. Particularly at risk are your families & visitors to your home who are not used to the water and have no resistance.
The three water filter systems we use for tank water protection are: