Why Filter Water?

Why is water so important? As you read below you will see why water is so important to your bodily needs.
Parents, water is the body's only way to flush out toxins... Read more
Teachers have found that... Read more
Hospitals report dramatic improvements... Read more
Sports people know that dehydration is... Read more
Pure water is essential as... Read more
Nutritionists recommend that an average... Read more
Students perform better in tests... Read more
Natural, healthy weight loss can only occur... Read more
The quality of the water we drink also greatly impacts... Read more
All weight loss programs are based on... Read more
Our passion is providing you with toxin and chemical free drinking water. Safe drinking water should be standard for all New Zealand homes and businesses. However with the introduction of over 50 chemicals into our town water supply and dangerous levels of bacteria and e-coli in most rain water supplies (water tanks & bores), its no wonder we have to be proactive and purify our own drinking water from our personal drinking taps.
Evidence from medicine, sport, and education shows that drinking plenty of water is essential for switching on our minds. Brains dehydrate rapidly and, before we are even aware of being thirsty, concentration lapses, boredom sets in, and drowsiness and confusion take over. These are enough reasons to get a quality water filter.
Parents, Water is the body‘s only way to flush out toxins and the purer the water is to start with... the higher its capacity is to collect and cleanse these harmful compounds from the body. Pure water helps a child‘s defenses grow stronger and perform better; giving them the protection they need during those fragile developing years.
A child‘s immune and detoxification systems are still developing into and throughout their early teens. Exposure to trace levels of chlorine, toxic chemicals & lead in drinking water during childhood years has been linked to increased risks of disease and learning disorders in later years, this is a very good reason to insure your water quality is up to par.
A recent Baltimore study showed that children with higher blood-lead levels have a significantly higher rate of problem behaviors than children with low blood-lead levels. "This study lends support to the belief that undue exposure to lead in childhood years may have a pervasive influence on the prevalence of juvenile delinquency in this country."
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Teachers have found that by encouraging students to drink water frequently, behaviour improves, conflict declines and work levels increase.
Hospitals report dramatic improvements in geriatric and psychiatric wards when patients have been encouraged to drink water frequently, even up to twenty glasses a day! Degenerative diseases reverse, memory function improves, and greater calmness and co-operation have become evident.
Sports people know that dehydration is a common cause of failure on the sports field or track. Good coaches insist that their athletes keep up vital supplies of water during training and competition. This enables brains and bodies to perform at the optimum level established by practice and training.
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Pure water is essential as the body reacts differently to water containing added foodstuffs, flavours or juices. Caffeine (contained in tea, coffee and cola drinks) and alcohol are diuretics, which have the effect of removing water from body cells (people who drink these substances need more water to make up the deficit). Where the purity of water supplies is unreliable, filtered water should be used, rather than that from the tap.
Ask us today how you can get "better than bottled water quality" from your tap, call 0800 787 392.
Nutritionists recommend that an average-weight adult drink 1.5 to 2 litres (six to eight glasses) of pure water each day (More water is needed at times of vigorous physical activity, or increased emotional stress, to overcome the dehydrating effects of the activity or stress).
Everyone interested in improving their brain function as well as their general health should take the majority of their liquid intake as water. Energy comes from food, but the ability to properly utilise this energy depends on keeping the body well hydrated. Efficient mental and physical function depends on water being available to all body and brain cells.
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Students perform better in tests and examinations when they drink water through study sessions (a glass every hour and a half is good and many people find frequent sipping from a drink bottle with a sipper helpful). Improved performance in examination rooms has been noted when the examinees have taken a glass of water beforehand. It should be noted that pure water does not increase urine production to nearly the same degree as coffee, tea, or alcohol.
Many schools and universities now allow examinees to take a water bottle into examination rooms for the same reason that long distance runners and cyclists are encouraged to take water during racing.
Drinking water frequently is a vital for the well-being of mind and body. It is cheap, simple, and miraculous! Fortunately, many businesses, schools, hospitals, and factories are now providing water purifiers and encouraging people to drink more water for improved mental and physical productivity.
Discover how you can get fresh, clean and healthy water from your tap, call 0800 787 392.
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Natural, healthy weight loss can only occur by increasing our intake of pure, healthy water. Water is not only the number one ingredient for a healthy body on the inside, but it also plays the lead role in maintaining a healthy and youthful appearance on the outside. The quantity and the quality of the water we consume determines our body's ability to metabolize and shed excess fat and properly maintain the body's largest organ, our skin.
When we increase our water intake it naturally speeds up our metabolism and allows our body to better assimilate nutrients from the foods and nutritional supplements we consume, the result being natural and healthy weight loss.
When we do not consume enough water the upper and lower intestine have a reduced ability to absorb nutrients. The result is that most of the value of our foods and supplements are lost and pass through our body with out absorption.
Sugars and carbohydrates are absorbed and processed faster than other nutrients, so without an abundant intake of clean water, we can end up getting all the calories without the nutrition. Food cravings are primarily the result of nutrient deficiencies, it's our body's way of telling us we need something. If our food is not properly digested, nutrient absorption is not sufficient, then the body keeps telling us we need something in the form of food cravings.
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The quality of the water also greatly impacts our body's ability to achieve or maintain a certain weight. One of the main functions of the liver is to act as a filter and eliminate toxins from our body. The liver performs this vital process using water in a joint effort with our kidneys. If the water we consume contains chemicals like chlorine, lead or agricultural and industrial pollutants, then much of our liver's capacity is spent on filtering contaminants instead of processing fat into energy. Many recent studies have even shown a link between consuming chlorinated water and thyroid dysfunction, leading to weight gain.
All weight loss programs are based on a reduced caloric intake and an increased rate of metabolism, both of which are "naturally" achieved with an increased intake of clean, healthy drinking water.
Free phone us now to get healthy clean water, call 0800 787 392.
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Why should you use a water filter?
There are many, many water borne contaminants, viruses, bacteria and amoeba that still make it through today's purportedly high-tech water source processing.
These include:
Chlorine: Used to kill life forms in the water, chlorine is a recognised carcinogen.
We are now entering into a period of ever-increasing water shortages. As reservoirs lower, water suppliers add more chlorine. This is because the number of micro-organisms in a reservoir do not decrease as water levels drop. They simply become more concentrated. Dosage has to be be lifted above recommended maximums due to the necessity of containing disease from micro-organism increases.
Chlorine in drinking water has been linked to increased incidence of bladder and rectal cancers by Harvard University and the Medical College of Wisconsin. More on Chlorine.
Chloramines: could cause stomach discomfort or anemia.Chlorine Dioxide:Some infants and young children who drink water containing chlorine dioxide in excess of accepted standards may experience nervous system effects. Similar effects may occur in foetuses of pregnant women who drink water containing excess chlorine dioxide. Some people may also experience anemia.
Fluoride: 80% of New Zealands water supplies now add fluoride. Drinking water standard for fluoride is less than 1.5 part per million (ppm). Some people who drink water containing fluoride in excess of 4ppm over many years could get bone disease, including pain and tenderness of the bones. Children under nine should not drink water that has more than 1ppm of fluoride. More on Fluoride.
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Microbes: Coliform bacteria are common in the environment and are generally not harmful. However, the presence of these bacteria in drinking water is usually a result of a problem with the treatment system or the pipes which distribute water, and indicates that the water may be contaminated with germs that can cause disease. Fecal Coliform and E-Coli are bacteria whose presence indicates that the water may be contaminated with human or animal wastes. Microbes in these wastes can cause short-term effects, such as diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches, or other symptoms. More on E-Coli.
Micro-organisms: These include germs, amoeba, parasites, cysts and viruses. In my experience chlorine does not fully eliminate these organisms. Cryptosporidium: is a parasite that enters lakes and rivers through sewage and animal waste. It causes cryptosporidiosis, a mild gastrointestinal disease. However, the disease can be severe or fatal for people with weakened immune systems. More on Cryptosporidium.
Filtration level: is important for exclusion of parasites. Although nothing lower than one micron will exclude Cryptosporidium and Giardia, it requires a filtration of less than 0.1micron to exclude viruses. Few people realise that flu viruses are carried on birds that migrate from Asia. These birds settle in our reservoirs, and outbreaks follow.
Giardia Lambdia: is a parasite that enters lakes and rivers through sewage and animal waste. It causes gastrointestinal illness (e.g. diarrhea, vomiting, cramps). More on Giardia.
Contaminants: include Antimony, Asbestos, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Cyanide, Mercury, Nitrates, Nitrites, Selenium, Thallium.read more Lead: typically leaches into water from plumbing in older buildings.. Children and pregnant women are most susceptible to lead health risks.
Synthetic Organic Contaminants: including pesticides & herbicides.
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Disinfection by products: Disinfection by products form when disinfectants added to drinking water to kill germs react with naturally-occuring organic matter in water. These may include:
- Trihalomethanes: Some people who drink water containing trihalomethanes in excess over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys, or central nervous systems, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
- Haloacetic Acids: Some people who drink water containing haloacetic acids in excess over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
- Bromate: Some people who drink water containing bromate in excess over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer. Chlorite. Some infants and young children who drink water containing chlorite in excess could experience nervous system effects. Similar effects may occur in fetuses of pregnant women who drink water containing chlorite in excess. Some people may experience anemia.
- MTBE: MTBE is a fuel additive, commonly used to reduce carbon monoxide and ozone levels caused by vehicle emissions. Due to its widespread use, reports of MTBE detections in the nation's ground and surface water supplies are increasing. The US Office of Water and other EPA offices are working with a panel of leading experts to focus on issues posed by the continued use of MTBE and other oxygenates in gasoline. US EPA is currently studying the implications of setting a drinking water standard for MTBE.
- Volatile Organic Compounds: VOC may combine with other contaminants to form new toxic substances.
These include:
- Benzene
- Carbon Tetrachloride
- Chlorobenzene
- o-Dichlorobenzene
- p-Dichlorobenzene
- 1,1-Dichloroethylene
- cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene trans-1,2-Dicholoroethylene
- Dichloromethane
- 1,2-Dichloroethane
- 1,2-Dichloropropane
- Ethylbenzene
- Styrene
- Tetrachloroethylene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
- 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
- 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
- Trichloroethylene
- Toluene
- Vinyl Chloride
- Xylenes
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Copper: Very few water systems can remove lead. Lead may be a problem in older homes where lead solder was used to join copper pipes. If the water supply is acidic, it will eat away at the lead - and copper - overnight, so that your first water in the morning may hold high levels of both minerals. For this reason it is always a good practice to run the tap for a minute or so before using the filter first thing in the morning.
Hormones, Drugs and More: As our society gains in ways to create new substances, we are seeing more and more sythetic substances turn up in our water supply. These include xenoestrogens, hormones, pain killers, tranquillisers, and almost every other drug imaginable including Prozac and Viagra. This is happening now, and has increased alarmingly as we become more drug-dependent. Drugs enter through water recycling, garbage disposals interfering with water tables, and just thoughtless dumping by individuals. We can only make the best choice of system within our means.
“Purification” Chemicals: In order to ‘purify’ drinking water up to 50 different chemical compounds are used. These include; Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) Chlorine Compressed Liquefied Gas, Sodium Fluoride, Aluminum Sulphate Solution, Soda Ash Solution, Sodium Hydroxide (dissolvable solid), Aluminum Sulphate, Polymer 1190, Polymer 1115, Polymer 1160X, Sodium Hypochlorite solution, and Sodium Silicofluoride.
Acid Water is often found in rainwater tanks, especially tin and fibreglass/plastic ones. Water Safety Guidelines recommend neutral or above, mainly to prevent copper and lead from being eroded into the water supply. Drinking acid water may increase acidity in the body, already at record levels due to modern lifestyle, diet and pollution.
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Water filtration - up until now
We receive our water from the sky. It is a gift of amazing importance. Falling to earth, it percolates through the earth, into streams, whirling, tumbling, seeping and flowing, absorbing light photons, energy and the minerals essential for healthy life. When we drink it, the minerals and energy it holds are absorbed and converted to energy, and it passes back into the earth and the sea - where it evaporates to continue this perfect natural cycle.
The intricate perfection of the snowflake is testament to water's structural integrity as it falls, pure and new, from the sky. Natural water is a rarity today due to industrial contamination, woodland loss and the need for centralised water storage. Today Filtration is just the first step.
Contact us via the form to your right at the top of the page or call free, 0800 787 392.