Ecoli / Bacteria Removal
Is there e-coli and bacteria in your tank / bore water?
FACT: 90% of water tanks test positive for E-coli and Faecal Coliforms
What is E. coli?
E. coli is a common kind of bacteria that lives in the intestines of animals and people. There are many strains of E. coli. Most are harmless. However, one dangerous strain is called E. coli O157:H7. It produces a powerful toxin. You can become very sick if it gets into your food or water.
Is it a serious problem?
In 1999 it was estimated that about 73,000 people in the U.S. got sick each year from E. coli. About 60 died. It's believed that the number of illnesses and deaths has been dropping since then but it is still worth getting it checked out.
We have plenty of anecdotal evidence from our customers who resisted putting in an ecoli removal system for years. When they eventually have put in a system, they say they feel much more energetic and less lethargic. A low dose infection is suspected and this has been cleared up by the filters.
Water testing for e-coli and faecal coli-forms
“Total peace of mind” that’s what’s important to most of our clients and to help achieve this we conduct onsite water testing for e-coli and faecal bacteria in water tanks. Take the worry out of your tank water and know what it contains!
We can also test bore water for you, - see the bore water page for more details. Please ring 0800 PURE WATER or 0800 787 392 to arrange this or contact us via the form to your top right.
If you don't have a water filter then YOU are the water filter.
Where does Ecoli live?
E-coli can often be found in water tanks and in addition it is found in bore water. Town water supplies should be free of e coli.
Get guaranteed removal of e-coli from your drinking water.
How does E-coli get in my water tank?
E-coli lives in the intestines of warm blooded animals. Most homes in New Zealand have birds and occasionally possums getting on your house roof. These animals poo all over your roof, it then rains and washes the poo into your tank. There are millions of bacteria in a single poo from 1 bird or possum. If the conditions are right in your tank then you will have a huge growth of potentially harmful bacteria coming from every tap in your home. Here is the question "would you get on your roof and lick off the bird and possum poo?" no I didn't think so, now if you haven't got any water filtration why are you prepared to drink it?
Call us now to arrange a water test - 0800 PURE WATER or 0800 787 392 or email us via the form top right of this page.
How can E coli be removed?
Bacteria can easily be removed using modern water filtration equipment, without the need for chemicals or power in most cases.
There are a couple of different systems that can be used. Please check out the information by following the links below, or give us a call and we will come and talk to you about it in person.
For whole house removal of bacteria including e-coli see our Homespring Centralised Water Purifier
Or for whole house sterilisation of bacteria including e-coli see our Ultra Violet Systems (this is a more moderately priced item for those on a budget)
The final alternative, which operates on a single tap (e.g. in kitchen) to remove bacteria including e-coli is our Ecoli Eliminator
What other Water Borne Bacteria are there? Size: length 0.4-14 microns, width 0.2-2 microns Common Water Borne Strains:
- Escherichia coli (E-Coli)
- Salmonella
- Shigella dysenteriae
- Vibro cholerae
- Bacillus anthracis
- Legionella (chlorine resistant)
- Legionnaires disease
How will my doctor know if E. coli made me sick?
Your doctor will test to see if your sickness was caused by E. coli by sending a stool sample to a lab. The lab will test for the bacteria.
Anyone who suddenly has diarrhoea with blood in it or severe stomach cramps should call or see a doctor.
E-coli's presence in drinking-water is used to indicate that the water has been subjected to recent faecal contamination. Therefore if E. coli is present, there is a greater risk of pathogens also being there.
Whilst some strains of E.Coli help the body stay healthy, the O157 strain is an extremely dangerous bacterium which can cause diarrhoea, stomach cramps, fever, and kidney damage. In the worst cases, when children or the elderly are exposed, it can be fatal.