Water Testing
Do you need a water test?
Have you been sick or unwell? Do you know what is in your tank or bore water?
If you are on tank water - we recommend that you have your water tested for ecoli and faecal coliforms.
If you are on bore water - we recommend that you have a full chemical water test, covering heavy metals, minerals, pH, hardness, iron and other pollutants.
If you have just moved house and your new house:
- Is on tank water, even if it has a filter in place
- Is on bore water
- Has old plumbing
It is a good idea to get things checked out and tested.

If you have been feeling generally run down and the doctors can't pin down the problem - it may be a low level water borne infection.
Water tests
E-coli and faecal coliform tests for tank water are carried out on site for a small charge.
Chemical tests for bore water are more detailed and require us to send the samples to a laboratory..
Free phone 0800 787 392 to arrange a time with us to test your water or send us an email for a tank water test or for a bore water test
Remember: If you don't have a water filter then YOU are the water filter.