Giardia / Cryptosporidium

Giardia and Cryptosporidium can be removed by using modern water filtration equipment without the need for chemicals or power in most cases with the cysts being trapped by the filter.
If you are on tank water:
For more information on the best whole house removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium see Homespring Centralised Water Purifier
For more information on whole house removal click here (this is a more moderately priced item for those on a budget) see Ultra Violet Systems
For more information on single tap (eg in kitchen) removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium see Ecoli Eliminator
If you are on town water:
For more information on the best whole house removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium see Homespring Centralised Water Purifier
For more information on whole house removal click here (this is a more moderately priced item for those on a budget) see Whole House Systems
For more information on single tap (eg in kitchen) removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium see Underbench
"We wanted to remove any Giardia in our water and Pure Water Services put in a system to fix it" more...
Want guaranteed removal of Giardia & Cryptosporidium from your drinking water? See here
What are Giardia and Cryptosporidium?
Giardia and Cryptosporidium are our most commonly found protozoa in water tanks.
Giardia is a diarrheal illness caused by a one-celled, microscopic parasite, Giardia intestinalis (also known as Giardia lamblia). Once an animal or person has been infected with Giardia intestinalis, the parasite lives in the intestine and is passed in the stool. Because the parasite is protected by an outer shell, it can survive outside the body and in the environment for long periods of time.
During the past 2 decades, Giardia infection has become recognized as one of the most common causes of waterborne disease (found in both drinking and recreational water) in humans in New Zealand. Giardia are also found worldwide.
How does Giardia and Cryptosporidium get in my water tank?
The Giardia parasite lives in the intestine of infected humans or animals. Millions of germs can be released in a bowel movement from an infected human or animal.
Most homes in New Zealand have birds and occasionally possums getting on your house roof. These animals poo all over your roof, it then rains and washes the poo into your tank. There can be millions of cysts in a single poo from 1 bird or possum. If the conditions are right in you tank then you will have these cysts living in your tank and potentially coming from every tap in your home.
Here is the question “would you get on your roof and lick off the bird and possum poo?” no I didn’t think so, now if you haven’t got any water filtration why are you prepared to drink it?
How will my doctor know if Giardia and Cryptosporidium made me sick?
Your doctor will test to see if your sickness was caused by Giardia and Cryptosporidium by sending a stool sample to a lab.
What are the symptoms of giardia?
Giardia infection can cause a variety of intestinal symptoms, which include:
- Diarrhoea
- Gas or flatulence
- Greasy stools that tend to float
- Stomach cramps
- Upset stomach or nausea.
These symptoms may lead to weight loss and dehydration. Some people with giardia have no symptoms at all.
Should I have my tank water tested?
Tests used to specifically identify Giardia are often expensive, difficult, and usually require hundreds of litres of water to be pumped through a filter. Consider generally testing your tank for fecal contamination by testing it for the presence of coliforms or
E-coli instead of Giardia . Although tests for faecal coliforms or E-coli do not specifically tell you whether Giardia is present, these tests will show whether your tank water has been contaminated by faecal matter.
Water testing for e-coli and faecal coli-forms
“Total peace of mind” that’s what’s important to most of our clients and to help achieve this we conduct onsite water testing for e-coli and faecal bacteria in water tanks. Take the worry out of your tank water and know what it contains!
Please ring 0800 PURE WATER or
0800 787 392 to arrange this or alternatively send us an email via the contact form at the
top of the page.
If you don't have a water filter then YOU are the water filter.